Are you selfish enough

Even though time seems limited, we have all the time we need to achieve our dreams once with a plan. usually institutions like the family unit, religious houses and schools instill the minute-to-hour schedules required for survival, becoming a subconscious autopilot that forms our characters as we grow. Over the centuries, what is taught has been either watered down or upgraded to the point where the impact is not felt as intended. With technology, it is now possible to consider variables and create a predictable future. Curiosity, impatience and convenience have blurred the path to legitimate success; but as the case with opening pandora’s box, there is always hope, not necessarily to correct mistakes of the past but to learn from them one day at a time

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Take the journey from discovery to sufficiency.
Follow your intuition, inclination or interests to
savor the sights, sounds, smells and sensations
of the Village seasons Expigitally.


Every good & bad deed is selfishly motivated

Time has tested and proven this statement to be the absolute truth. The intentions for doing good are completely selfish. While deciding to help the ‘poor’ is the right thing to do, the reasons all point back to making a hero out of the benefactor to prove you are a better person or easing a guilty conscience. Deciding to be a good parent/guardian while an act of love or common sense is actually an investment in your future, an effort to receive praise from others and/or justify actions.

The same thing goes for being bad. It is either you have decided not to care about what others think to justify your self-centered nature or meting punishment and judgement make you feel good. The disconnect happens when we refuse to admit that we are indeed selfish beings. That is probably why some religious books have stated that we should love our Neighbours as much as we love ourselves. The question now remains, are you selfish enough to invest in yourself?

[word_balloon id=”2″ size=”M” position=”L” name_position=”under_avatar” radius=”true” name=”Blaq” name_color=”#ffffff” balloon=”talk” balloon_shadow=”true” box_center=”true” font_color=”#e66102″]

Every day is another chance to try again.

Gather the relevant intel to proceed


Concentrating on the project of ‘you’

Everybody at some point in their lives wanted or attempted to save the save the world conveniently forgetting that charity begins at home. We close our eyes to the ills around us but are quick to judge others who we believe sin differently from us and blame anything else for the world’s problems. The idea that salvation lies within is completely misinterpreted or misunderstood.

[word_balloon id=”3″ size=”M” position=”L” radius=”true” name=”Oracle” balloon=”talk” balloon_shadow=”true” box_center=”true” font_color=”#8f3fda”]

Take the journey from discovery to sufficiency.

Follow your intuition, inclination or interests to

savor the Village sights, sounds, smells and sensations

of the Village seasons Expigitally.


So, instead of spending our passions on things we cannot control, is it not wiser to invest your energy in what you can which is yourself? The difference between the rich and the poor is the deliberate choice to be selfish by doing things for themselves instead of waiting on others or governments to do it for them. This is why the private sector thrives. You too can be successful with the right mindset and discipline, starting with the proper management of your time.